
Dumbbells workout guide: 5 effective exercises for developing huge shoulders - The Manual

When building a fit and muscular body, developing huge shoulders  is usually a part of the plan. For some, strong shoulders is the number one priority. If that sounds like you, using dumbbells during routine exercises is considered one of the best ways to realize those full and rounded shoulders you’re looking for.

In fact, the best shoulder workouts implement dumbbells into a weekly routine specifically because they add desirable shoulder mass. Barbell Weight Bar

Dumbbells workout guide: 5 effective exercises for developing huge shoulders - The Manual

When thinking about developing huge shoulders, we’re mostly talking about increasing the size of our deltoids (delts). You have three deltoid muscles, and they are the anterior, lateral, and posterior delts. 

Compared to other joints in our body, such as the elbow or knee, the shoulder joint is also quite mobile. This important ball-and-socket joint allows our shoulders to move in different directions, like up, back, and sideways, so it’s easy to exercise. It also lets your arms rotate in and out.

Most professionals agree that a great tool for training your shoulders is to work out with dumbbells. Some people also prefer to use barbells or cable machines while exercising, and plenty of good routines utilize this equipment. 

However, dumbbells can be safer because our shoulders are prone to injuries. Therefore, we should avoid using heavy free weights and instead stick with dumbbells. They also allow us to move our shoulders from different angles. 

It’s all about the angles if you want to train your shoulders effectively. Shoulder exercises should engage all three heads of your deltoids so you build rounded, balanced shoulders.

Dumbbells work each shoulder individually, so if you have a weaker one, you can train it to become stronger. Be sure to have a variety of different weights on hand, or join a local gym that gives you access to the best dumbbells  for your needs. 

If you’ve just started resistance training with dumbbells, you may be uncertain about what will work best. First, you must find the right weight. If the weight you choose is too heavy, you risk strain or injury. If it ends up being too light, you won’t be getting the workout you need. 

Consider a couple of things when choosing the right weight for your dumbbells:

Answering these questions honestly and acting accordingly will help you maximize gains and avoid injuries. You might also benefit from the advice of your physician, coach, and/or physical trainer.

The weight of dumbbells ranges widely, but many people stay between 10 and 25 pounds when it comes to shoulder exercises. As you begin an exercise routine with dumbbells, play around and experiment with different weights. This will help you choose the ones that fatigue your muscles without excess straining . 

The right dumbbells for beginners are typically the ones that make you feel challenged but able to complete the reps without wiping yourself out.

Dumbbell front raises give you a solid, fundamental weight training exercise. This is especially true if you want to build strength in your shoulders or create more definition. Use a dumbbell front raise during any upper body workout, and pick a weight you can lift while maintaining proper form.

Lateral raises require you to lift weights out to the side and away from your body. This looks much easier than it is, so choose lighter weights to start. Lighter weights still help to build strength and size. They’ll also improve your shoulder’s range of motion and stability. 

The dumbbell rear delt, or reverse, fly works out your posterior deltoid muscle, giving it definition and strength. Learning this exercise will greatly improve your shoulders!

You can do the overhead press while sitting or standing. You can also hold dumbbells horizontally at your shoulders or rotated in a hammer grip. This exercise benefits anyone utilizing an upper-body strength workout .

Keep in mind that this can be difficult if you don’t have experience using dumbbells for reps. Start low and go slow to avoid injury.

If you want to build broad, muscular shoulders, consider this exercise from famous bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger. His take on the dumbbell overhead press engages all three sections of your deltoids. This includes the round muscles at the tops of your upper arms building fuller, wider, more defined shoulders  and improving your posture too.

When determining how often you should be training your shoulders every week, consider your goals. How much training do you want to dedicate to your shoulders every session? An average or ideal week should include three to four dumbbell shoulder workouts two to three days.

The health and fitness worlds are cluttered with diets, supplements, and workouts that purportedly promote weight loss. It’s difficult to pinpoint what workout or diet plan is right for you. Most health and fitness experts and advocates believe variety is best, and the 3-2-8 workout certainly brings variety. Here’s the scoop on how to do it and how it might contribute to weight loss. 

What is the 3-2-8 workout? The 3-2-8 workout involves 8,000 steps daily and three weekly pilates or barre workouts. The 8,000 steps are the gentle cardio that complements the five individual workouts. You can adjust this plan to suit your personal preferences and fitness level. 

If your goal is putting on muscle mass, chances are you're heading right to the weights when you enter the gym. After a tough resistance workout, chances are you're not feeling too motivated to head over to the cardio deck. If cardio is not your favorite part of your workout – you're not alone. Even though cardio can be monotonous and time may seem to move, especially slowly during cardio, cardiovascular workouts are a must for maintaining a healthy body weight and warding off chronic disease.

Cardio isn't usually fun, but these tips and tricks might make your cardio workouts a bit more pleasurable. With our tips and tricks, you might even find yourself enjoying cardio (crazy, we know).

When the winter weather sets in, not only can it be extremely unpleasant to go for a run or bike ride outside, but it can also be unsafe. Between the darkness in the morning and night and the slippery roads peppered with patches of black ice or snow, exercising outside in the winter can sometimes be a dangerous minefield to navigate. However, as much as we may want to, we shouldn’t use the frigid temperatures, slippery footing, and lack of safe lighting to serve as excuses to get out of our fitness routines; rather, there are ways that you can modify your workouts on days when the weather is particularly sour or your gym is closed due to a winter holiday. The best one? Try an at-home cardio workout. Cardio workouts at home won’t necessarily provide you with all of the potential training benefits of going for a 5- or 6-mile run or doing a vigorous HIIT workout on the elliptical at the gym, but some exercise is almost always better than none. Even better, there are many at-home cardio workouts you can do with little to no exercise equipment. If you don’t have a treadmill or indoor cycle at home to use when the temperatures plummet but you still want to move your body and work up a good sweat, keep reading for the best at-home bodyweight cardio workouts.

What is an at-home cardio workout? A cardio workout, also referred to as aerobic exercise, is any type of physical activity that increases your heart rate and strengthens your cardiovascular system. What exactly qualifies as “cardio exercise“ though? According to the CDC), moderate-intensity cardio exercise elevates your heart rate to 50%-70% of your maximum heart rate while vigorous-intensity exercise elevates your rate to 70%-85% of your maximum heart rate. These "moderate-intensity" and "vigorous-intensity" aerobic exercise designations are important because there are different guidelines as to how much of each intensity of exercise you need to reduce your risk of lifestyle diseases. The CDC advises that adults get either 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity cardio exercise per week. For an at-home cardio workout to be effective, you need to increase your heart rate to at least 50% of your maximum heart rate throughout the workout. Wearing a heart rate monitor or fitness watch that uses wrist-based heart rate monitoring can be a useful way to ensure that you're pushing your body hard enough. Usually, it's best to aim for 20 to 45 minutes per at-home cardio workout, depending on the intensity of the workout and your fitness goals. The higher the intensity, the more efficient the workout will be. For example, studies suggest that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts can provide the same cardiovascular and metabolic benefits of moderate-intensity, steady-state aerobic exercise in 40% less time. So if you're short on time and just want to squeeze in a quick workout, dial up the intensity and take on a Tabata or HIIT workout.

Dumbbells workout guide: 5 effective exercises for developing huge shoulders - The Manual

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